Patanjali's Yoga Sutras Related to Asanas | Yoga and Fitness

 Patanjali's Yoga Sutras Related to Asanas

Patanjali's yoga sutras

Asanas have a special significance for the maintenance of the health of body and mind and as preparatory practices for Pranayamas. In Patanjali's Yoga Darshan (a compendium of aphorisms), some important interrelated principles regarding Asanas are given. Of these, the first is Sthirasukhamasanam Asanas are steady postures affording pleasure. While in a Yogic Asana, one should experience pleasure - both physical as well as mental. How can one get this experience ? For this, Patanjali has suggested a fine method. He says that while getting into or maintaining an Asana, one should minimise efforts (Prayatnashaithilya). Asanas should be performed with ease. For this, there should not be any conscious efforts. Also, the mind should be fixed on the Infinite One (Ananta). Ananta is a concept. It means, the entity which has neither a beginning nor an end. If it is not possible to keep one's mind on Ananta, one can do Pranadharana or Maharadhanusandhana. Pranadharana means to be conscious of one's breathing 1.e. fixing one's attention on breathing. Maharadhanusandhana means imagining that 'I am a droplet in a big lake.'

These principles are complementary to each other. When the mind merges with the Infinite One, the efforts are minimised and because of this relaxation, stability of body and mind is achieved while performing an Asana. The cumulative effect of all these is Sukhanubhav (i.e. a pleasurable feeling). According to the Yogic science, equilibrium of the opposite forces in the body is achieved by practising Asanas. Also, it isstated that the practice of Asanas drives away laziness, in Hathapradeepika, it is claimed that owing to the practice of Asanas, one gets stability, health and flexibility. This claim has been proved by scientific experiments.

Who can perform these Asanas? The answer is : excepting small children and insane people, all - whether adolescent, young, old or very old. They may even be diseased or weak, yet they can practise Asanas.religion, culture, nationality or occupation does not come in the way of practising Yoga.

The body which has been well-prepared by Asanas can be further purified by practising Pranayamas. Pranayama purifies both, the body and the nadis (nerves). A lean and radiant body is the sign of purification of nadis.

Hatha Yoga says that the practice of Pranayama eliminates all diseases. At the same time, a warning is given that improper Pranayama can give rise to all kinds of diseases. Just as wild animals are tamed slowly and cautiously, breath control (while learning Pranayama) should be acquired gradually. Otherwise there is a possibility of harm. By regular practice of Asanas and Pranayamas, one definitely improves one's health.

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